This is also known as the Withered Training scenario.You can get this by looting the large chest at the end of " The Collapse" Scenario in Suramar, which requires 10 Withered.

Kill 1,000 enemy players using a hidden appearance.Complete 200 World Quests using a hidden appearance.Complete 100 dungeons using a hidden appearance.Unlocking the first hidden appearance is different for each weapon, but getting the other 3 colors for it is the same for every weapon. Unlocking Alternate Hidden Artifact Weapon Colors Death Knight - The hidden appearances for each artifact weapon and how to get them.Unlocking Alternate Hidden Artifact Weapon Colors - How to get each alternate color of the hidden artifact weapons.This guide will go over how to unlock all the hidden artifact weapon appearances in Legion including: You can see what each color looks like by visiting wowhead. It is not known how to get some of the appearances, so I'll update when I find out. I'm going to go over all of the known ways to get hidden appearances so far.